Monday, May 10, 2010

Preparation: Count-down 3 weeks!!!!

Well, as promised, I am preparing for a trip to Haiti. And here is how that is going... 3 weeks left!!!

Departure Date: May 31, 2010.

Packing Hazards:
    1. Packing ones own toilet paper: how does one estime a months worth of toilet paper?
    2. Blow-up mattress: Do I try it out first and know I will never get it back into its nice small size?
    3. Packing. Period.

Things I still need: a wind-up lamp, snacks to remind me of home, sunscreen of the highest order and  hygeine in a bottle.

    1. I have been getting emails from others in the group and I am thrilled! There are people from the USA, Canada, Scotland, England, Australia, Germany. I absolutely love meeting new people and working hard alongside them!
    2. I've gotten all my shots and medications. Happily the doctor said I can expect to get dead sick from the food at least once. OO-RAH!
Biggest Fear: It hitting home that I cannot fix everything.

Biggest Excitement: Living with the bare minimum.

Needs: Prayer, focus, Mt Dew.

I will keep you updated. My pastors wife suggested I leave everything down there that I bring, which I thought was GENIUS! So I am doing just that.... Counting down!!!!